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 Book an Eyetest

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If your looking for an optician near me or an opticians Lincoln or searching for a eye test near me whilst visiting Lincoln ?

Then look no further for an optician, we provide onsite eye examinations at our practice. Simply use the above online booking tool to create your eye exam appointment or any other optical service we provide.

These days it is easier for patients to search online to book an eye test. A lot of people find Optique of Lincoln using simple keywords such as find me an " optician near me " in Lincoln. Or sometimes using search terms like " eye test near me " or " opticians Lincoln "on the mobile device. Either way more often than not you will find or book an eye test page, from here it is very easy to book your appointment.  Simply just click the " set an appointment button " above or below. Once clicked you will be then redirected to our secure online appointments booking page where you can select your appointment type. As you will find we don't just do NHS and private eye tests. There is a long list of optical service we can provide such as - OCT Eye Scan, Contact Len Trials, Meares Irlen testing, Eye Dream Vision Correction, Dry Eye Consultation, Blephx Treatment or Glasses Consultations. Once you have selected the appointment and entered a few details , we confirm and then your booked! 
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Our Opticians Lincoln practice technology enhances your eyetest.

Whether it is a NHS eye test or a private eye test, we will always put your own needs first and make sure that we can give you the best possible eye care. At Optique of Lincoln our hospital - quality OCT (optical coherence topographer) eye scan allows us to look deeper into your eyes than ever before. By creating a detailed 3D view of your eye, we can detect eye conditions far earlier than traditional eye test methods for eye conditions such as diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. We can even detect glaucoma years early than before.  Early detection and referral of the condition to the doctor or the hospital is important in early treatment and prevention of sight loss. If you have a family member who has a eye condition such as glaucoma or macular degeneration then having a OCT scan is invaluable in detecting the early warning signs. Once we have your unique baseline data of your eyes we can easily detect changes to your retina and eye health in future eye examinations. 
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Book your EYE TEST today 
Book online and prepay for your eye test in advance and enjoy £10 off . 

£10 OFF

On confirmation you will be offered to prepay the eye test at the discounted price of £35. Normal price is £45
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